Avengers: Infinity war or battle of tongues

   If you all remember, Guardians speak their own languages and have translator implants to talk between themselves. All works well (except for untranslatable word play, I guess) and everyone's happy. But...

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   Then comes the new Avengers movie and that's where it might get interesting. Avengers and Guardians are supposed to communicate (I wonder how Thor and Loki communicated before and spoke perfect English, I don't think they have English classes at school in Asgard; they don't even have a school there). So let's fantasize on the matter.

1. Tony Stark as a rich Moneybags McBuck can of course hire an interpreter for his crew, but what interpreter can match the speed of all the action?

2. Or maybe Jarvis can be used as a universal translator\interpreter but then again Tony needs to provide everyone with access to it.

3. About the same thing can be organized by the other party - Guardians can share the implants with the newbies.

4. And the least likely variant but my favourite, they can all sign with their hands like playing Charades. That would look quite funny, especially if the big serious guys like Cap, Thor or Hulk were trying to explain something with their fingers (there probably would be a lot of middle ones - those are universal, I'm sure). I bet they wouldn't be able to get past shooting the first scene like that because of all the laughing.


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