My adventures in Finland and Sweden by ship and bus

Like the trip to Prague , this travelling experience was also spontaneous, I just had to choose the destination in a matter of a couple of minutes and tell my travel agent. Among the cheapest variants for my area in Europe, Finland and Sweden one was the most interesting, because it included nights on a big ship. I was advised to go to Spain, but summer in Russia is also very hot, so I didn’t see a reason to go to a country like Spain, I prefer sightseeing when the temperature is mild. I’ve already been to Baltic Sea before, when I spent a couple of weeks in Sopot, Poland. But the cities near water always attract me more, special exception is Amsterdam, though I like its architecture, but I hate those big crowds of tourists. Back to my story, the trip started early in the morning in St. Petersburg, where we got on a bus and headed to Russian-Finnish boarder. Scandinavian nature is very picturesque, those monumental big rocks everywhere. They ev...